Ojai Electric is always happy to help.
In fact some electrical issues don't always require an electrician. Sometimes they can be easily fixed with a few short steps. If you have an outlet or a section of your home without power please read the tips below to see if you can get your issue resolved.
If you do need some help, our electricians service Carpinteria, Ojai, Santa Barbara, and Ventura. Please contact us today and we'll discuss the best way to get your problem fixed.
Circuit breakers are designed to protect electrical circuits from damage. When a circuit breaker detects a fault condition it shuts itself off or trips. This prevents the wiring from overheating and causing serious problems.
If you don't know the location of your panel it may require some searching to find it. You are looking for a metal box with a with a metal door, it is often flush with the wall. Begin your search in the garage and then check storage rooms, basements, or hallways. You may need to check the exterior of your home as well.
Once you have located the panel, look for the breaker that is not aligned with the rest. It may be partially in the off position or fully in the off position. On rare occasions it may still appear to be in the on position. On those occasions the only way to resolve the issue is to reset each breaker on the panel.
Once you have identified the tripped breaker, it is time to reset it. First push the breaker firmly into the off position. Now flip the breaker back into the on position. Your circuit breaker's power should now be restored.
If the breaker trips after resetting there may be other issues occurring. An overloaded circuit may be easily fixed by unplugging some appliances. Otherwise you should have an electrician diagnose and resolve the issue.
GFCI (Ground Fault Circuit Interrupters) outlets are designed to prevent electrocution and according to NEC code are required at outlets near water locations and other locations in the house and on the property. They can be sensitive and occasionally trip from high moisture, power surges, and etc.
Identify the outlet you are having trouble with. Sometimes normal outlets are protected by a GFCI elsewhere in the electrical circuit. If the problem outlet does not have a GFCI, look for one at a nearby outlet. If the GFCI is tripped the reset button will be sticking out.
If your having issues with exterior outlets you may need to search the garage or basement for the GFCI controlling that circuit.
Once you have located the tripped GFCI, it is time to reset it. Push the top button labeled "Reset" firmly until you hear a click. Your outlet's power should now be restored.
If the GFCI trips after resetting there may be other issues occurring. An overloaded circuit may be easily fixed by unplugging some appliances. Otherwise you should have an electrician diagnose and resolve the issue.